
Personal image

Christine Nguyen
Job Title
LEED GA, Project Coordinator
ʺBehind me is infinite power, before me is endless possibility, around me is boundless opportunity.ʺ
Q and A
Favorite HPS Project
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Sunnyvale Center
I learn most
Challenging my timid nature by engaging in conversation and collaboration with others. You can only learn so much alone; it takes embracing the interactions outside of yourself to elevate your knowledge and experiences.
Good design is
Inclusive and should optimize the experience for all.
If architecture is music it’s
My favorite ballad tracks that I often play on loop while performing daily tasks—they might only seem to be a subtle background to my life, but they deeply envelop all of my experiences, memories, and entire being at that moment.
Christine “Magic Girl” Nguyen: animated and amazing Christine is the behind-the-scenes magical force that keeps us on track, managing the managers, coordinating the captains, and filling a myriad of essential roles PLUS consistently finding the hidden forces that lead to positive outcomes . . . that’s Christine.