
Personal image

Sharon Refvem
Job Title
FAIA, LEED Fellow, Director Sustainability Resource Group/ Associate Principal
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." – Margaret Mead
Q and A
Favorite HPS Project
I have several favorite HPS projects, each delivered by remarkable teams of people, for the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and Heising-Simons Foundation.
I learned most
From my father who was a contractor, craftsman, and my champion.
Good Design Is
Multi-faceted – beautiful, well suited to its place and purpose, exceptionally sustainable, and enriching.
If Architecture is Music it’s
Figuratively and quite literally “The Room Where It Happens” (Hamilton: An American Musical, 2015).
Sharon Refvem looks for opportunities for positive change with each and every project and reminds us that sustainable design is an integral part of design excellence. She has consistently woven together the strands of green into completed projects. She is a convener, leader, critical thinker, and mentor who has contributed to both AIA and USGBC as a longtime volunteer and Chapter President and is now a Fellow twice over: FAIA & LEED Fellow!