
Personal image

Deb Rimerman
Job Title
Office Manager
“Find something that you are passionate about, and stay tremendously interested in it.” - Julia Child
“Everything happens if you let it.” - Art Carney
“Everything happens if you let it.” - Art Carney
Q and A
Favorite HPS Project
Palo Alto Medical Foundation Mountain View Center
A combination of Art and Architecture
A combination of Art and Architecture
I learn most
From my Pop-O. He’s always taught me that I can do anything. I’m finally listening to what he’s been saying for my entire life. Sometimes you need to learn that for yourself. He’s my biggest fan, and I’m his.
Good design is
Is surprising. The Sundial Bridge in Redding, CA was designed by Spanish Architect Santiago Calatrava. I’ve never seen anything like it. SUPRISING that it is in Redding, certainly worth stopping.
If architecture is music it’s
Big Band, it reminds you of the past but brings you to the future.
Deb puts the FUN in the functionality of our office. A true people person, Deb is a networking monster. She’s enjoyed a career working with Architects and Interior Designers and still claims that Architects and Interior Designers are "the most incredible group of people" to work with. Who are we to disagree?! With Halloween as her favorite holiday, we’re looking forward to many Faboolous and Spooktacular Parties ahead! Welcome Home, Deb!