Contra Costa County West County Health Center
A two hundred and fifty foot long “front porch” invites the community to hang out and also happens to be place where they can receive a wide variety of health services all under one roof.
San Pablo, CA
Contra Costa County
53,000 sf with parking structure
David Wakely
LEED Silver
Weaving in colorful local artwork with familiar architectural forms provides a place of safety and shelter, comfort and caring and ultimately a healing home for all members of the local community. HPS worked with the County and the community to create a new way to deliver healthcare to the home by creating a new home for the community. Here, being cared for goes hand in hand with feeling cared for.
2012 J. Michael Walford Project of the Year - Contra Costa County Public Works
2013 Sustainable Contra Costa Green Building Award
2013 Sustainable Contra Costa Green Building Award

This new facility will serve as a patient centered health home to provide the right care, at the right place, and at the right time.
Highlighted Team Members